The Strangest Adventure Yet

Of all the adventures I’ve had in life, and I’ve been blessed with many, turning Sixty (yes, Sixty!) is the strangest. No one tells you how suddenly it appears from the fog of youth. A ghost ship bearing the knowledge of quarry years, it arrives with no cannon’s roar.


April will be a month of profound change and opportunity. Of course, this feeling is seeded in the rumblings of my own life. Things are shifting; new ground is rising. April is a month of expiration dates. There will be unequivocal endings; to relationships and jobs yes, but mostly to something deeper…to our sense of identity. We are uneasy because it is so unfamiliar. Yet, if we can discard the weight of past patterns and thinking, and trust in what is not yet known, startling opportunities can emerge.

A New Beginning

My first spiritual novel, Trusting the Currents, has just been published. It’s been a long journey, almost ten years, since an elderly, Southern, African American woman, Addie Mae Aubrey, first began whispering the story of her teenage years to me. Nothing has defined my life like the experience of bringing this book into the world. I was often a reluctant partner to Addie Mae’s insistence on sharing her memories and wisdom. I didn’t know why she chose me, a white woman from New York. No matter how many times I gave up, tried to return to a life that was easier, more conventional, she kept pushing me to continue for just a little bit longer, convincing me this was something important.

Soul Searching

polliosoulsearchingblogpicHas the seed of a new world always been here, waiting for some pre-ordained moment to awaken us to our true selves? Or does a traumatic experience, some fertilizing particle of pain seep so deep into our spirit that it begins to blossom, forcing new thought to grow?

The Indigo Abyss

Pollio-Abyss-BlogDeep within each of us lies the Indigo Abyss. It is a sacred place of truth, where boundaries and belief systems are transformed. I entered it within myself to write my first book, Trusting the Currents. It is where I have always found my highest guidance, made my best decisions and known the most peace.