Take a moment to acknowledge, review and release the surreal months of 2022. It has not been easy, but the person you are now is better prepared for what lies ahead.
Author of Trusting The Currents
Take a moment to acknowledge, review and release the surreal months of 2022. It has not been easy, but the person you are now is better prepared for what lies ahead.
I celebrated a birthday this summer and realized something that’s been teasing for a while, yet I hadn’t fully owned. I am an Elder.
Trusting the Currents has been on an amazing journey of trust, love and transformation these past few years. And as the world has undergone its own change and struggles, the voices of this book have echoed and guided readers from around the world of all ages, races, genders, cultures and religions. I recently was interviewed by Lia Griffith and Addison Ames for their beautiful Practical Magical Podcast. We spoke about how I became an unexpected author, prodded on by the mystical words of Addie Mae Aubrey, a southern, African American woman who asked me to channel her story. Please have a listen. And if inspired, read Trusting the Currents and see if it guides you on your own path. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trusting-currents-author-lynnda-pollio-chats-lia-addison/id1565889848?i=1000527968111
I try to imagine why sometimes life is hard and doesn’t work out. We do what we’re asked and more, and still sit stuck in a space that we cannot mend from an old perch. Is it our fate at this time to suffer well, to bruise the universe and transform it through pain? To offer in sacrifice as our mothers did and theirs before, the struggle inherited from one generation to another. I feel the ghosts of ancestors holding my hand, loving me, making promises.
I was speaking with someone about his sister who died recently. He said she was a lost soul, never found a way to support herself and needed others to financially care for her. Then he told me she had the biggest heart he’d ever known, and about all the people who attended her funeral with stories about her kindness. Everyone spoke about how loving and giving she was to them, about the value she brought into their lives. I wondered if she ever knew this.
This past year was punctuated by loss. People died in our lives. Others lost homes, jobs and relationships as well as faith and purpose. There are big empty gashes where something we counted on previously stood. For many, it was a year of endings.
I dreamed about Maya Angelou again last night. She’s been in my dreams for the past two weeks, since I put my mother’s house on the market. Mom died in August following nine years of 24/7 care. The nightmares about her death only started after the house was listed. Maya has been with me in these dreams, a comforting presence to the fear.
I’ve made a habit of challenge and struggle in my life. I’m always choosing the impossible goal; reaching for something that has never been done before, the untried and untested. Living outside the lines of convention, I’ve fallen many times. Yet, these struggles have led me to the magnificent edges of what is new and rising and exciting.
Why are people so surprised and indignant about the present state of our hallowed nation? Such was always going to be the outcome of this country’s foundations. It began with killing Native Americans, imprisoning them and stealing their land. It continued with the kidnapping and enslavement of Africans, and then systematically disempowering the generations that followed. Women have literally and figuratively been burned at the stake for expecting equality and sexual safety.
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