2018: The BIG Deal


This was the most difficult new year’s blog I’ve written. I wondered why, gave up a couple of times, but its insistence to be heard pestered me. Maybe it’s taken this long because I sense January belongs to 2017, and it is in February when 2018 begins to show its face. I also believe this year will be so startling, it’s hard to think of the year as one linear flow. It feels more like a series of moments that hostage the months around them.

2017 Rise of the Designated Driver: Illumination, Action and Trust

You made it through 2016!

Take a moment to acknowledge, review and release this surreal past year. It has not been easy, but the person you are now is better prepared for what lies ahead.

Soul Searching

polliosoulsearchingblogpicHas the seed of a new world always been here, waiting for some pre-ordained moment to awaken us to our true selves? Or does a traumatic experience, some fertilizing particle of pain seep so deep into our spirit that it begins to blossom, forcing new thought to grow?

The Indigo Abyss

Pollio-Abyss-BlogDeep within each of us lies the Indigo Abyss. It is a sacred place of truth, where boundaries and belief systems are transformed. I entered it within myself to write my first book, Trusting the Currents. It is where I have always found my highest guidance, made my best decisions and known the most peace.