A Message from the Stars

There will be wonder. Many will come and fall and rise again with chins held high. Quietly the world turns. Thought will follow them and become them. What of the fearful ones who wait in the corners and along the edges? Who will come for them? Will they spend eternity waiting to catch a moment that became another and another too soon? The conscious cosmic mutt scratches at the door of unknown certainties, howls at a moon soaked in spirit, dripping its silver sweat onto earth.IMG_6186

The Pursuit of the Impossible

When you believe in something, never give up on it.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, since I Indie-published my now award-winning novel, Trusting the Currents, a year ago. It’s been a looooog journey. One I tried to abandon many times, but the story wanted so badly to be heard, it wouldn’t let me quit. It still won’t.

Soul Searching

polliosoulsearchingblogpicHas the seed of a new world always been here, waiting for some pre-ordained moment to awaken us to our true selves? Or does a traumatic experience, some fertilizing particle of pain seep so deep into our spirit that it begins to blossom, forcing new thought to grow?

The Indigo Abyss

Pollio-Abyss-BlogDeep within each of us lies the Indigo Abyss. It is a sacred place of truth, where boundaries and belief systems are transformed. I entered it within myself to write my first book, Trusting the Currents. It is where I have always found my highest guidance, made my best decisions and known the most peace.