2018: The BIG Deal


This was the most difficult new year’s blog I’ve written. I wondered why, gave up a couple of times, but its insistence to be heard pestered me. Maybe it’s taken this long because I sense January belongs to 2017, and it is in February when 2018 begins to show its face. I also believe this year will be so startling, it’s hard to think of the year as one linear flow. It feels more like a series of moments that hostage the months around them.

A Love Letter From My Higher Self…For You Too!

I was having a bad day recently. I decided to ask God a question.

“God, I’m confused. I have no idea who I am anymore, what I’m supposed to be doing in all this turmoil, and if my life has any meaning, purpose or relevancy. What do you think?”

Strange Dream: God’s Brain

Some dreams are more than the usual nighttime machinations of a chaotic day. They feel like they are here to teach us something, as if saying “pay attention to this one. I am showing you some truth.”

This was one of those dreams.

2017 Rise of the Designated Driver: Illumination, Action and Trust

You made it through 2016!

Take a moment to acknowledge, review and release this surreal past year. It has not been easy, but the person you are now is better prepared for what lies ahead.

The Chief Consciousness Officer

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but people are pretty crazy these days.

IMG_2333Consumers are carrying new stresses and fears that affect their decisions. Teaching people how to break out of their orbits into new ways of thinking, doing and being is the future of all brand leadership. If you ignore the plight of the consumer, you miss the opportunity to embed your brands deeper and more meaningfully into their psyche. And there is no more fruitful moment to tap into this potential then during times of profound cultural change.

A Message from the Stars

There will be wonder. Many will come and fall and rise again with chins held high. Quietly the world turns. Thought will follow them and become them. What of the fearful ones who wait in the corners and along the edges? Who will come for them? Will they spend eternity waiting to catch a moment that became another and another too soon? The conscious cosmic mutt scratches at the door of unknown certainties, howls at a moon soaked in spirit, dripping its silver sweat onto earth.IMG_6186

Don’t Get Sick This Winter!

IMG_8737It’s that time of year. And you don’t want to get sick, so I am sharing my Winter Wellness Cabinet, full of the goodies I use to avoid catching anything. I hope it helps you!

Grasshopper Wisdom

DSC01223Grasshopper says: “It’s hard to let go of things. But it’s harder to be weighed down by them.”

Looking Back With Gratitude

Thank you all who kept my spirit fed this first year of Trusting the Currents. You don’t know how much I appreciate your support and words of encouragement through all my self-doubt. It was a ten-year journey bringing Trusting the Currents into the world. Addie Mae changed the direction of my life and has been my greatest teacher. Whenever I question life, I open the book to a random page and somehow, there lies the answer. (Try it!)

The Pursuit of the Impossible

When you believe in something, never give up on it.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, since I Indie-published my now award-winning novel, Trusting the Currents, a year ago. It’s been a looooog journey. One I tried to abandon many times, but the story wanted so badly to be heard, it wouldn’t let me quit. It still won’t.